NFC Juice / BIO NFC Juice

The NFC stands for: not from concentrate. The nutritional value of our juice cannot be overestimated; it contains all the vitamins and microelements present in the fruit; the taste and aroma are 100% natural. We hear our clients say: “this tastes like something my grandma would make”. And that makes sense because our juice is made from fresh fruit; its taste, sweetness and aroma are all natural. No artificial additives or enhancers here. No sugar or sweeteners added. Every drop comes from top quality, ripe and clean fruit. All of our fruit comes from tried and tested, certified orchards in Poland. And did you know that Poland was the biggest producer of berry fruit in the entire European Union? We also offer juice from certified organic orchards: have you tried our BIO version?

We produce juice from four types of berry: blueberry, haskap berry, blackcurrant and aronia berry. We use modern technologies that allow us to get every bit of goodness that fruit has to offer. Which is why one glass of our juice covers pretty much 100% of your body’s needs for vitamins: A, B, PP, C as well as selenium, copper, mangan, potassium, zinc, magnesium and iron.

We offer:

  • Blueberry

  • Haskap berry

  • Black currant

  • Aronia berry

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